I delegati coadiuvano il Direttore nella gestione del Dipartimento
prof. Rosa di Maggio as the delegate to Local Security Officer
prof. Maurizio Grigiante as the delegate to Library Purchasing
prof. Francesco Dal Corso as the delegate to the University Language Center
prof.ssa Paola Foladori as the delegate to Communication
prof. Mario Claudio Dejaco as the delegate to the Building Commission
prof. Enzo Falco as the delegate to the Structure Presidium
prof. Nadia Baldassino as the delegate for Space and Events Concession
prof. Luca Adami as the delegate for Environmental Sustainability
prof. Cristiana Volpi as the delegate for the Open Science Commission
prof. Andrea Massa as the delegate for Research
prof. Giorgio Rosatti as the delegate for Third Mission
prof. Alfonso Vitti as the delegate for ICT Services
prof. Michael Dumbser as the delegate to Teaching
prof. Marco Toffolon as the delegate to Internationalization
prof. Davide Geneletti as the delegate to Quality
prof. Vincenzo Trovato as the delegate to Internships and Traineeships
prof. Stefano Siboni as the delegate to the Entrance Test
prof. Marco Guerrieri as the delegate for Orientation and teacher training and school relations
prof. Giuseppe Pedone as the delegate for the relationship with the Professional Associations and the Territory
prof.ssa Michela Dalprà as the delegate for Disability
prof.ssa Sara Favargiotti and arch. Starlight Vattano as delegates for equity and diversity policies
Prof. Giorgio Rosatti as a delegate to the Alumni Project
of Eng. Piera Menghini Zuech as a delegate to the Top Sport Project (with a special delegation to the Winter Olympics)