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The research of the Sanitary Engineering group is finalized at designing and managing technologies for the control and prevention of negative impacts on the humans and on the environment resulting from human activities (use of water resources, liquid discharges, emissions gaseous, waste).
The main reserch lines are:
- civil (and industrial) wastewater treatment, in particular application of advanced technologies for wastewater treatment (membrane bioreactors, biological systems with biomass suspended and adherent) and for the treatment of sludge (sludge reduction by physical chemical and biological methods);
- waste treatment, waste biomass and implications for the quality of the environment. In particular conventional and unconventional thermal processes (massification and pyrolysis), aerobic and anaerobic biochemical processes applied to waste and biomass for energy recovery, environmental impact analysis and risk for humans;
- quality of water for human consumption, in particular the processes of chemical and physical disinfectants and disinfection (UV), development of analytical methods based on flow cytometry for quantification of fecal indicators in water resources;
- technologies for remediation of contaminated soils, in particular chemical, electrochemical and biological techniques for the remediation of soils contaminated with organic compounds, health and environmental risk analysis, screening tests to evaluate the applicability of technologies.
The group is involved in interdisciplinary research activity related to: eutrophic lakes, outdoor / indoor air pollution, environmental contamination and appropriate technologies for developing countries.
The group has set up an intranet website accessible to all users with password Unitn University (user ID: unitn \ firstname.lastname): LISA
Outsiders interested in seeing the website can request to Roberta Villa.
Research unit
- Gianni Andreottola - ICAR/03 - Full Professor
- Marco Ragazzi- ICAR/03 - Full Professor
- Paola Foladori- ICAR/03 - Associate Professor
- Roberta Villa - Technician