The Department’s Council's members are: the Director, who summons and chairs the Board the Vice Director, the Coordinator of the Doctoral School and 4 professors or researchers (permanent, full-time, exclusively members of the Department), 3 of whom must be elected by the Department’s Board and one is appointed by the Rector.
The Board also includes 2 students, chosen among the representatives of the students in the Department’s Board. They only participate in sittings when topics related to teaching, the right to study and services for students are debated.
Prof. Oreste Salvatore Bursi | Director |
Prof. Rosa di Maggio | Vice-Director |
Prof. Rossano Albatici | |
Prof. Gianni Andreottola | |
Prof. Luca Deseri | Phd Coordinator |
Prof. Michael Dumbser | |
Prof. Guido Zolezzi | |
Eng. Piera Menghini Zuech | Secretary |
Enrico Sponga | Student |
Antonio Giannatiempo | Student |
Federico Perissini | Student |
The Board performs the following tasks:
- It supports the Director in the management of scientific and teaching policies of the Department;
- It drafts the proposal of the multiannual strategic plan of the Department, according to the guidelines approved by the Department’s Board;
- It supports the Director in the definition of the general criteria to allocate resources by the University for research activities;
- It drafts an annual report to self-evaluate the research and teaching activities, also on the basis of the evaluation of teaching activities as drafted by the Teachers-Students Committee and the self-evaluation reports prepared by the Self-evaluation Groups in the various study plans.
- It manages the relations between the Assemblies and the Committees of the Teaching areas;
- It approves the Study programs, the Teaching regulations, and the annual teaching plan of the various courses, as proposed by the respective Assemblies of the Teaching Area, and the annual teaching programs of the Doctoral School, as proposed by the Committee of Professors of the School and it transmits those documents to the Department's Board for the final approval;
- It proposes to the Department’s Board the appointment of the various professors and researchers for the different courses, according to the guidelines provided by the Academic Senate and it resolves about other tasks related to teaching, appointments and employment contracts for integrative and support teaching activities and tutoring;
- It resolves on the norms of the Department, the use of financial resources and the initiatives for the organization and coordination of teaching activities of the courses and it implements the contents of the University Regulation on Teaching activities, as for tutoring and orientation.