Natural and built environment regeneration, conservation and management 

Type of Laboratory

Light Laboratory

Lab manager

Gatti Maria Paola

Laboratory staff

Battaino Claudia
Dejaco Mario Claudio
Quendolo Alessandra

Lab activity description

The project almost always represents an unfinished business; predominantly aesthetic approaches, often avulsed and lacking even elementary manufacturability checks, clash with construction formulations lacking attention to formal values and thematic contextualization. 
Too often, design arises from the separation, rather than the integration, of the skills necessary for its formulation. This approach is also widely adopted in education, but it is clear that the design domain must be deduced from the accrued skills related to history, urban planning, composition, technology, production, and management.
The project, in its formal and functional characterization, represents an inseparable unity with the constructive conception, a unity in which the material-form relationship, inherent in the project, must be verified with the only solution to strive for.
The Laboratory aims to be a venue for experimentation in design-making where different thematic areas develop synergistically in a comprehensive and integrated vision, according to current instances, developing different methodologies. 
The laboratory's focuses are therefore the study and design for the conservation, enhancement, and physical, ecological, cultural, social, and economic regeneration of the natural and built environment, developing advanced management methodologies.
Knowledge and understanding of existing critical issues and potentials and an interdisciplinary vision are the basis of an approach that aims at the revitalization and protection of heritage, understood as a complex and layered system of environmental heritage, historical-artistic heritage, architectural and structural heritage.


Fourth floor - east side of the main building