A feather in the Department cup are the prestigious International Awards that our researchers have received for their researches and for their publications.

Horizon 2020

FET - Future Emerging Technologies Grants

ExaHyPE - An Exascale hyperbolic PDE engine

Michael Dumbser

Co-PI a UniTN  2.795.000 euro - 48 months

The study has for object the creation of an open source software useful to 'Exascale Computers', capable of performing billion and billion of computations per second. At the international ExaHype project, funded by the European Commission, works the Group of Applied Mathematics, of the University of Trento, the Italian partner only. The software may be used for applications in geophysics for the calculation of earthquakes risk and in astrophysics with the simulation of gravitational waves and gamma ray bursts.

ERC - Proof of Concept Grants

SILKENE - Bionic silk with graphene or other nanomaterials spun by silkworms

Nicola Pugno

149.944 euro - 18 months

We aim at producing bionic silk and related super performing macroscopic tissues directly spun by silkworms fed with  nanomaterials such as graphene. 


ERC - Starting Grants

BIHSNAM - Bio-inspired Hierarchical Super Nanomaterials

Nicola Pugno

1.004.400 euro – 60 months

The idea of the project is to combine nature, nanotechnologies and nanomaterials, such as graphene, in order to design bio-inspired hierarchical supermaterials with still unattained mechanical properties such as strenght, toughness, adhesion, self-cleaning, self-healing, etc. This research has already led to the discovery of the strongest natural material yet documented (limpet teeth) and to the development of the world’s strongest artificial fiber (inspired by spider web anchorages). 

STiMulUS - Space-Time Methods for Multi-Fluid Problems on Unstructured Meshes

Michael Dumbser

918.000 euro – 60 months

We develop new algorithms for the solution of general nonlinear systems of time-dependent partial differential equations in the context of non-ideal magnetized multifluid plasma flows with thermal radiation. We will produce new high-order schemes on unstructured tetrahedral meshes that are applicable to a rather general class of problems in general geometries, thus, opening a wide range of possible applications in science and engineering.

ERC - Advanced Grants

INSTABILITIES - Instabilities and nonlocal multiscale modelling of materials

Davide Bigoni

2.379.359 euro – 60 months

The aim of the research ERC project "Instabilities" is to analyze failure mechanisms of ductile materials, which usually occur through a multiscale interaction of discrete microstructures hierarchically emerging through subsequent material instabilities and self-organizing into regular patterns (shear band clusters, for instance). Through the analysis of material instabilities and taking advantage of analogies with laboratory models of structures, innovative microstructures will be designed to be embedded in solids, in order to open new possibilities in the achievement of ultra-resistant materials and structures. The target will be the realization of a material exhibiting flutter instability or microstructures evidencing strain-gradient effects or innovative metamaterials. This activity will enable the achievement of innovative dynamical properties, defining, for instance, flat lenses for elastic waves, evidencing negative refraction and superlensing effects, thus opening up new horizons in the dynamics of materials and structures.

ERC - Proof of Concept

REPLICA 2 - Large-area replication of biological anti-adhesive nano surfaces

Nicola Pugno

147.000 euro – 12 months

We aim at producing large area super-hydrophobic and self-cleaning surfaces inspired by the morphology of lotus leaves. 

KNOTOUGH - Super-tough knotted fibers

Nicola Pugno

149.490 euro – 12 months

We aim at producing super-tough fibers and related macroscopic tissues inspired by spider silk and web.