The measurable results that DICAM intends to achieve in the Project Department of Excellence initiative are achieved in the following categories: scientific publications, European projects, Honorus Programme, patents and start-ups, and the Social Impact that follows.
Scientific publications
In indexed journals (or Class A journals and scientific books for non-bibliometric fields) divided into the 6 Research Guidelines of the Project, namely:
Thematic area "Water":
- effect of climatic variations on extreme events (flooding and hydrogeological disruption) and the combination of climatic variations and anthropic land use on the availability of water resources, for sustainable land and urban project management (ecological design);
- interaction between local and global water resource exploitation and aquatic ecosystems, shelters, and related ecosystem services;
- effect on the ecosystem and human health of the release of nutrients and toxic substances, from classical organic contaminants to emerging ones (e.g. endocrine disrupters) and to nano-particles.
Theme "Innovative materials and structures":
- nanomechanics and bio-inspired materials;
- innovative materials capable of withstanding extreme stresses;
- risk and resilience of structures and infrastructures subject to extreme actions.
During the first year of 2018, 238 scientific publications were published in indexed journals or class A journals and scientific books for the non-bibliometric sectors.
233 scientific publications were published in 2019.
In 2020, 215 scientific publications were produced.
In 2021, 339 scientific publications were produced in indexed journals or class A journals and scientific books for the non-bibliometric sectors.
European Projects
Strengthen international collaborations within projects funded by the European Union, also in the areas that today favor local funding sources, and activate a support and incentive path to promote the participation of researchers in ERC calls.
In 2018, DICAM teachers presented 16 research proposals on the themes of the Project, divided as follows:
- Research Director 1: 2 proposals Horizon2020, 1 Urban Innovation Action, 1 EIT (funded);
- Research Director 2: 1 proposal Horizon2020;
- Research Director 4: 3 proposal Horizon2020 (including two ERCs), 1 EIT (funded),
- Research Director 5: 3 proposals Horizon2020 (of which one ERC);
- Research Director 6: 3 proposals Horizon2020 (of which one funded).
In 2019, DICAM teachers presented 33 research proposals on the themes of the Project, divided as follows:
- Research Strand 1: 4 Horizon 2020 proposals, 2 EIT proposals (funded), 1 DG ENVIRONMENT proposal (funded);
- Research Guideline 2: 4 proposals Horizon 2020; 1 proposal LIFE;
- Research Guideline 3: 1 LIFE proposal;
- Research Director 4: 4 proposals Horizon 2020 (1 funded);
- Research Director 5: 6 proposals Horizon 2020
- Research Director 6: 4 proposals Horizon 2020, 5 proposals RFCS (1 under negotiation).
In 2020, DICAM lecturers presented 35 research proposals related to the themes of the Project, twelve of which were funded, divided as follows:
- Research Strand 1: 10 Horizon 2020 proposals, of which 3 EIT proposals (funded) and 1 RIA proposal (funded).
- Research Director 2: No proposal submitted.
- Research Strand 3: 4 Horizon 2020 proposals, including 2 EIT proposals (funded).
- Research Strand 4: 8 Horizon 2020 proposals, of which 2 FET proposals (funded) and 1 LIFE proposal (funded).
- Research Director 5: 8 proposals Horizon 2020, of which 2 proposals MSCA-ITN (funded).
- Research Director 6: 5 proposals Horizon 2020, of which 1 proposal RFCS (funded).
In 2021, DICAM teachers presented 37 research proposals related to the themes of the Project (of which 9 ERC), including 4 Horizon Projects approved.
Honours Program
Integrate second-level study courses with innovative content, promoting international openness and the development of transversal skills.
Starting from a.a. 2019/2020 (35th cycle) a new Ph.D. course in Agri-Food and Environmental Sciences and a new Master’s Degree in Environmental Meteorology has been activated
In 2020, the Department has designed and proposed the activation of two new paths of international excellence "Honours Programme" aimed at graduate students:
- Modeling and simulation, aim to provide solid preparation for the solution of complex problems of modeling and simulation of non-linear systems that engineers are faced with in professional practice, in addition to providing specialist training for a possible Ph.D. program;
- Advanced Methods in Engineering is focused on cutting-edge engineering topics, such as advanced methods for computational mechanics, uncertainty quantification, risk mitigation, innovative materials, and intelligent infrastructure.
The Call for Participation in the Talete high qualification program, organized in collaboration with the Department of Sociology and Social Research, the School of International Studies, and the Centre for International Cooperation, has been renewed.
In 2021 the first edition of two new paths of international excellence "Honours Programme" aimed at students enrolled in the Department’s Master’s degree programs ("Modelling and simulation", aimed at providing complementary preparation for the solution of complex problems of modeling and simulation of non-linear systems, and "Advanced Methods in Engineering", oriented to cutting-edge engineering issues, such as advanced methods for computational mechanics, uncertainty quantification, risk mitigation, innovative materials, and smart infrastructure) for which 4 students were selected; the selection of 7 students who will participate in the second edition scheduled in 2022 was also carried out.
The call for participation in the Talete high-qualification program, organized in collaboration with the Department of Sociology and Social Research, the School of International Studies, and the Centre for International Cooperation, has been renewed once again; The emergency due to the pandemic led to the postponement of the closure of the path for second cycle students, which ended with the delivery of the certificates in the spring of 2021.
In June, the project internship was held in collaboration with the Mantua office of the Interregional Agency for the Po, addressed to students of the master’s degree course in Environmental and Territorial Engineering and aimed at improving the quality of the training path through the enhancement of professional skills and the strengthening of transversal skills, in line with the departmental development objectives set out in the project. The internship included some preparatory training activities at the headquarters of Trento and a residential week in Mantua, with training and information at the headquarters of AIPO and other local authorities, field measures, inspections, and group work/ discussion.
Patents and Start-up
Increase technology transfer through the development of patents and the promotion of start-ups on issues with a strong socio-economic impact.
Patents in 2018:
- Device of medical type for the repair of a damaged tissue, in particular, a tendon or a ligament and its repair method; Holders for UNITN: Prof. Nicola Pugno; Title: 9.5% UNITN, 90.5% Politecnico di Torino; Italian Patent (102018000006092 PCT/EP2018/053717).
Patents in 2019:
- Device to determine the mechanical properties of nanomaterials and relative method; patent Italian Patent for industrial invention attested by "Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, Direzione generale per la tutela della proprietà intellettuale, Ufficio Italiano brevetti e marchi" on 11/12/2019 (classification G01N3, filing date 28/09/2017); Contact person: Maria Pantano. Inventors: Maria Pantano, Nicola Pugno. Giorgio Speranza.
- System of connection of wood-based panels of a building with anti-seismic characteristics, elements of connection of the system, and construction process of the building with said connection system; Patent Italian Patent No. 11572/254680 - 05.1 admitted on 17/12/2019 (deposit date 3/10/2017); Contact person: Maurizio Piazza. Inventors: Ivan Giongo, Maurizio Piazza, M. Luchetti.
Patents in 2020:
- GEOframe System Models: Available on Github: By choice, no patents are made, but models are included in GEOframe and have quality professional systems, are properly engineered, reusable by third parties, and are distributed under the open GPL v3 license. Contact person: R. Rigon.
- Method and plant for the recovery of ammoniacal nitrogen from gaseous currents produced by hydrothermal treatments. Application number: 102020000028508 - Submission date: 26/11/2020. Contact person: L. Fiori. Inventors: L. Fiori, G. Andreottola, and four other people not belonging to UniTN.
Social Impact
The teaching staff of the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, has organized and/ or participated in various "third mission" activities that have had repercussions on the territory and on the socio-economic context.
These activities are divided and fall into the following types that describe the assessment of the social, economic, and cultural dimension of the impact, the relevance to the reference context, the added value for the beneficiaries, and the contribution of DICAM:
- Continuing and open education (e.g. MOOC, continuing education courses);
- Scientific dissemination and public engagement (e.g. cultural activities of public utility, publications dedicated to the non-academic public, production of radio and television programs, publication and management of websites and social channels, festivals, scientific cafes, citizen science activities, one among many the "Meteorology Festival" annual;
- Activities of involvement and interaction with the school world (e.g. laboratories, simulations of experiments, co-design of educational paths);
- Activities related to the ONU2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
- Research/consultancy contracts for public administration;
- Research/consultancy contracts for industry.