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Live lab details
Live lab details
Live lab applications
Live lab applications


EnvYJobs is an ERASMUS+ funded course, implementing innovative learning and training solutions aiming at Environmental learning for more knowledge and better jobs by combining improved skills and competencies tailored to labor market demands.

EnvYJobs offers to bachelor, master’s degree students and PhD candidates the opportunity to attend 6 international courses held in 4 different countries, under the umbrella of Erasmus+ Programme.

The courses include asynchronous web-based lessons and virtual labs supported by an e-learning platform (“web-labs”) and live laboratory training (“live labs”) held in 4 different countries: Romania, Greece, The Netherlands and Italy.


Six e-courses (virtual lessons plus virtual labs and webinars) are offered starting from October 2016:

  1. Design, Modelling and Simulation Techniques for Wastewater Treatment Processes, University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB), Bucharest, Romania.
  2. Soil and Air Quality Monitoring Techniques, University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB), Bucharest, Romania.
  3. Closing the NEW-Resource Cycle through a Zero-Emission Water Management System, Saxion University of Applied Science (SAXION), Enschede, The Netherlands.
  4. Geoinformation Technologies for Environ-mental Changes and Pressures Assessment, Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia (TEICM), Serres, Greece.
  5. Flood Hazard Assessment, Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia (TEICM), Serres, Greece.
  6. Sustainable Drinking Water Supply Systems, University of Trento (UNITN), Trento, Italy.

The official language of the course is English.


  • It is necessary to be enrolled in a bachelor or master degree or PhD course at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering for the whole duration of the activities (i.e. until passing the exam and/or until completing the Live Lab).
  • Knowledge of English (level B1, self-certification sufficient).


Live labs are intensive programmes organised at each partner institution. During the live labs, students will gain practical knowledge on the topics tackled in the online courses. In addition, they will come into contact with labour market stakeholders including water supply services, civil and environmental protection agencies and industry in order to develop a clear perspective of both parts and try to better adapt the acquired skills to industry requirements.


The Erasmus+ programme funds participation in the live labs through individual grants.

8 Erasmus+ grants are available for UniTrento students for each live lab attended abroad (total 24 grants). It is possible to participate in one or more live labs.

Priority will be given to students who have attended the EnvYJobs course and passed the relevant module(s).

Four Live Labs are offered according to the following calendar:

  • - Enschede, The Netherlands, 27.08.2017 – 08.09.2017
  • - Serres, Greece 24.09.2017 – 07.10.2017
  • - Bucharest, Romania, 03.12.2017 – 16.12.2017
  • - Trento, Italy, 14.01.2018 – 27.01.2018


Students successfully attending the EnvYJobs module, will receive a Certificate of Attendance EnvYJobs E-learning Module.


Six (6) ECTS will be awarded upon successful completion of the EnvYJobs module, recognized through an assessment procedure based on web-questionnaires (one for each course) through the EnvYJobs e-platform. It is necessary to pass at least 4 out of 6 modules to pass the EnvYJobs course.

Additionally, 3 ECTS will be awarded for successfully attending live labs.

Further information:


Virna Eccli
virna.eccli [at]
Tel. +39 0461 282587


Prof. Maurizio Righetti
maurizio.righetti [at]
Tel. +39 0461 282656


Greeck tourSaxionSaxionTrentoUPB campusUPB inifinty column